12/2024: The 7th image competition is on and you can vote for your favorite art piece on Instagram @kunzelabimages
11/2024: Congratulations to Connor Beck for successfully defending his PhD thesis, and publishing three papers in Fall 2024. Go to our publication page to get the link to the articles.
11/2024: Congratulations to Mackenna for receiving an MSU PhD completion award for Spring 2025.
09/2024: We are welcoming Kuper, a MONT Empower Scholar to perform undergraduate research in the Kunze Neuroengineering lab related to SalmonFlies-on-chip.
09/2024: The Kunze Lab received with excitement a NASA EPSCoR award.
08/2024: Congratulations to Connor for receiving an MSU PhD completion award for Fall 2024.
07/2024: Congratulations to Zeynep for receiving an MONT/MMF Project Initiation Grant.
06/2024: The KunzeLab is now affiliated with the PREP-MT Post Baccalaureate Program, and is welcoming Amelia to the lab!
05/2024: Zeynep and Esther won the Health Impact Award at the 100k Venture Competition at MSU with $3,000 for Neurofluidic Diagnostics. We are so excited for their wins! [MSU press release]
05/2024: Anja was awarded a collaborative NACOE Thorson Excellence in Engineering (TEER, w/ Warnat Lab and Verhille Lab) and a Bryan Innovative Instructional Grant.
04/2024: Students from the KunzeLab will present updates about their research projects at the Spring 2024 Student Research Celebration! Check it out!
04/2024: Mckennah received an USP undergraduate research fellowship for Fall 2024. Way to go!
03/2024: Check out Destination Startup in Denver, where our team Zeynep and Esther will present Neurofluidic Diagnostics.
02/2024: We received notification that Sidhee also secured an INBRE undergraduate research fellowship to conduct her project associated with exosomes in our lab over the summer.
01/2024: Congratulations to Sidhee for receiving a VPRED Research Fellowship.
01/2024: Zeynep made the top category with her image "brain bubbles" - Congratulations!
11/2024: Congratulations to Connor Beck for successfully defending his PhD thesis, and publishing three papers in Fall 2024. Go to our publication page to get the link to the articles.
11/2024: Congratulations to Mackenna for receiving an MSU PhD completion award for Spring 2025.
09/2024: We are welcoming Kuper, a MONT Empower Scholar to perform undergraduate research in the Kunze Neuroengineering lab related to SalmonFlies-on-chip.
09/2024: The Kunze Lab received with excitement a NASA EPSCoR award.
08/2024: Congratulations to Connor for receiving an MSU PhD completion award for Fall 2024.
07/2024: Congratulations to Zeynep for receiving an MONT/MMF Project Initiation Grant.
06/2024: The KunzeLab is now affiliated with the PREP-MT Post Baccalaureate Program, and is welcoming Amelia to the lab!
05/2024: Zeynep and Esther won the Health Impact Award at the 100k Venture Competition at MSU with $3,000 for Neurofluidic Diagnostics. We are so excited for their wins! [MSU press release]
05/2024: Anja was awarded a collaborative NACOE Thorson Excellence in Engineering (TEER, w/ Warnat Lab and Verhille Lab) and a Bryan Innovative Instructional Grant.
04/2024: Students from the KunzeLab will present updates about their research projects at the Spring 2024 Student Research Celebration! Check it out!
04/2024: Mckennah received an USP undergraduate research fellowship for Fall 2024. Way to go!
03/2024: Check out Destination Startup in Denver, where our team Zeynep and Esther will present Neurofluidic Diagnostics.
02/2024: We received notification that Sidhee also secured an INBRE undergraduate research fellowship to conduct her project associated with exosomes in our lab over the summer.
01/2024: Congratulations to Sidhee for receiving a VPRED Research Fellowship.
01/2024: Zeynep made the top category with her image "brain bubbles" - Congratulations!
11/2023: The Kunze Lab's research got featured in the Mountains & Minds magazine. Read the article here: "A North Star".
10/2023: Anja gave an invited talk about "Brain-on-a-chip technology: Potentials and Challenges" at 12th annual MSU Freshman Research Symposium.
10/2023: Kunze Lab members presented their latest reseach at BMES in Seattle this year! We had five accepted conference abstracts, a talk and poster presentations.
08/2023: Anja gave a talk about "Brain-on-a-chip technology: Where we are at and what’s next?" at the NNCI REU Convocation. We also had Sara and Jordan presenting their research results from their summer REU. Really great work!
06/2023: We welcomed two REU undergraduate students to gain research experience in our lab over the summer. Welcome Jordan and Sara!
05/2023: Anja's BioMEMS class got featured in the MSU News article: "Montana State students get unique hands-on microfabrication experience"
05/2023: Anja received the Excellence in Research Award from the NACOE.
10/2023: Anja gave an invited talk about "Brain-on-a-chip technology: Potentials and Challenges" at 12th annual MSU Freshman Research Symposium.
10/2023: Kunze Lab members presented their latest reseach at BMES in Seattle this year! We had five accepted conference abstracts, a talk and poster presentations.
08/2023: Anja gave a talk about "Brain-on-a-chip technology: Where we are at and what’s next?" at the NNCI REU Convocation. We also had Sara and Jordan presenting their research results from their summer REU. Really great work!
06/2023: We welcomed two REU undergraduate students to gain research experience in our lab over the summer. Welcome Jordan and Sara!
05/2023: Anja's BioMEMS class got featured in the MSU News article: "Montana State students get unique hands-on microfabrication experience"
05/2023: Anja received the Excellence in Research Award from the NACOE.
03/2023: Congratulations to Samuel Roberts for receiving the 6.000 US$ Montana IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (Montana INBRE) award to perform research over the summer in our lab!
03/2023: Congratulations to Mackenna for landing an NIH TL1 pre-doctoral research fellowship through UW for expanding her project towards clinical and translational science
03/2023: Anja got invited to talk at another panel near San Francisco: "2023 The Making of an Entrepreneur: Silicon Valley, CA", organized by the MSU Alumni Foundation.
02/2023: Anja spoke at the MT High-tech panel about “Innovation & Entrepreneurship at MSU” which was co-hosted by the MSU NACOE.
02/2023: The Kunze lab presented four research projects at the Biophysical Society Annual Meeting 2023; 2/18 - 2/22; in San Diego!
03/2023: Congratulations to Mackenna for landing an NIH TL1 pre-doctoral research fellowship through UW for expanding her project towards clinical and translational science
03/2023: Anja got invited to talk at another panel near San Francisco: "2023 The Making of an Entrepreneur: Silicon Valley, CA", organized by the MSU Alumni Foundation.
02/2023: Anja spoke at the MT High-tech panel about “Innovation & Entrepreneurship at MSU” which was co-hosted by the MSU NACOE.
02/2023: The Kunze lab presented four research projects at the Biophysical Society Annual Meeting 2023; 2/18 - 2/22; in San Diego!
02/2023: Anja received the Cox Faculty Award for Creative Scholarship and Teaching during the Founders Day at Montana State University.
01/2023: Check out our winner of the 5th Brain Engineering Art Competition! Congratulations to Zeynep! We also celebrated the start of a new year with a wonderful lab dinner.
12-1/2022: Our 5th Image Competition is on!
10/2022: Anja spoke about "The peaks and valleys about bringing biotech from the bench to the market" during the Jabs Women Entrepreneurship Week 2022 hosted by Dr. Agnieszka Kwapisz.
10/2022: Anja gave a talk about Brain-on-chips for Alzheimer's at the Alzheimer's Research Symposium at Montana State University organized by the Alzheimer's Association Montana State Chapter.
09/2022: Congratulations to our undergraduates Sarah Jarman, and Jacob Smith for receiving an USP fellowship for Fall 2022.
07/2022: Connor is presenting his "Archetypal Analysis for Neuronal Clique Detection in Low Rate Calcium Fluorometry" at IEEE EMBS in Scotland.
06/2022: Congratulations to Connor Beck for receiving the Dr. Donald Pierre Graduate Student Publishing Award for his IEEE conference paper.
03/2022: Congratulations to Connor Beck for successfully defending his PhD comprehensive exam. Way to go, Connor!!!
03/2022: Anja gave a talk at the 2022 Neuroelectronic Interface GRC conference about shaping the structure-function relationships in neuronal networks using magneto-mechanical actuation.
02/2022: Mackenna and Conner got accepted to present their research projects at the 66th Biophysical Annual Society Meeting, which will be in San Francisco, CA.
02/2022: We just announced the winners of our 4th Engineering Brain Art virtual image competition.
10/2022: Anja spoke about "The peaks and valleys about bringing biotech from the bench to the market" during the Jabs Women Entrepreneurship Week 2022 hosted by Dr. Agnieszka Kwapisz.
10/2022: Anja gave a talk about Brain-on-chips for Alzheimer's at the Alzheimer's Research Symposium at Montana State University organized by the Alzheimer's Association Montana State Chapter.
09/2022: Congratulations to our undergraduates Sarah Jarman, and Jacob Smith for receiving an USP fellowship for Fall 2022.
07/2022: Connor is presenting his "Archetypal Analysis for Neuronal Clique Detection in Low Rate Calcium Fluorometry" at IEEE EMBS in Scotland.
06/2022: Congratulations to Connor Beck for receiving the Dr. Donald Pierre Graduate Student Publishing Award for his IEEE conference paper.
03/2022: Congratulations to Connor Beck for successfully defending his PhD comprehensive exam. Way to go, Connor!!!
03/2022: Anja gave a talk at the 2022 Neuroelectronic Interface GRC conference about shaping the structure-function relationships in neuronal networks using magneto-mechanical actuation.
02/2022: Mackenna and Conner got accepted to present their research projects at the 66th Biophysical Annual Society Meeting, which will be in San Francisco, CA.
02/2022: We just announced the winners of our 4th Engineering Brain Art virtual image competition.
02/2022: We have an entire new page highlighting OUTREACH engagements by the Kunze Lab. See and read more here about our Engineering Brain Art, or entrepreneurial activities.
01/2022: We hold our 4th Brain Engineering Art Competition. Here you can view the latest art submissions.
01/2022: Zeynep won 1st place at the IDEA Challenge with the campus local Blackstone LaunchPad in the health and life science category. Read here more about it in the MSU News coverage.
01/2022: We hold our 4th Brain Engineering Art Competition. Here you can view the latest art submissions.
01/2022: Zeynep won 1st place at the IDEA Challenge with the campus local Blackstone LaunchPad in the health and life science category. Read here more about it in the MSU News coverage.
12/2021: Our lab received another round of USEDA funding to develop next-generation biomarker profiling maps for the neurodiagnostic market in collaboration with the Prof. Stephanie McCalla lab.
10/2021: Connor and Zeynep got accepted to present updates of their graduate research projects at the MicroTAS 2021 conference in Palm Spring, CA.
06-07/2021: We are welcoming Helen Wilson to the Kunze lab! Helen is an ECE REU student who will design and test microfluidics for exosome extraction. Her project also got featured in the MSU News, which you can read here.
06/2021: The Kunze lab is joining efforts at MSU to offer a major in Biomedical Engineering, starting this Fall. Read more about the new program here. Dr. Kunze will be offering the first Bioelectronics course at MSU.
05/2021: The lab received its first NIH funding, an R21 award from NIA to decipher the impact of nano-magnetic force modulation on protein transport in cortical neurons.
04/2021: Catherine gave the Kopriva Science Seminar about: "Archetypal Analysis Applied to Neuronal Cellular Signaling" which features our collaborative work with Prof. Dominique Zosso's research group. [Abstract], [News coverage], [Video recording]
04/2021: Congratulations to Conner and Jesse for receiving both receiving a Montana IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (Montana INBRE) award to conduct undergraduate research over the summer in the lab.
03/2021: Mackenna received a 2021 Honorable Mention for her NSF GRFP proposal. Great accomplishment, and keep up the strong work!
02/2021: We just announced the winners of our 3rd Brain Engineering Art Competition: Go to Kunze NeuroEng Lab on Instagram to see there art work.
02/2021: Our new methods paper using soft matter multi-curvature patterns to modulate calcium and mitochondria dynamics in neuronal networks got published in Lab on a Chip. Congratulations to all co-authors! Go to the reference, here.
02/2021: Anja gave an IEEE Professor Spotlight talk in the NACOE.
10/2021: Connor and Zeynep got accepted to present updates of their graduate research projects at the MicroTAS 2021 conference in Palm Spring, CA.
06-07/2021: We are welcoming Helen Wilson to the Kunze lab! Helen is an ECE REU student who will design and test microfluidics for exosome extraction. Her project also got featured in the MSU News, which you can read here.
06/2021: The Kunze lab is joining efforts at MSU to offer a major in Biomedical Engineering, starting this Fall. Read more about the new program here. Dr. Kunze will be offering the first Bioelectronics course at MSU.
05/2021: The lab received its first NIH funding, an R21 award from NIA to decipher the impact of nano-magnetic force modulation on protein transport in cortical neurons.
04/2021: Catherine gave the Kopriva Science Seminar about: "Archetypal Analysis Applied to Neuronal Cellular Signaling" which features our collaborative work with Prof. Dominique Zosso's research group. [Abstract], [News coverage], [Video recording]
04/2021: Congratulations to Conner and Jesse for receiving both receiving a Montana IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (Montana INBRE) award to conduct undergraduate research over the summer in the lab.
03/2021: Mackenna received a 2021 Honorable Mention for her NSF GRFP proposal. Great accomplishment, and keep up the strong work!
02/2021: We just announced the winners of our 3rd Brain Engineering Art Competition: Go to Kunze NeuroEng Lab on Instagram to see there art work.
02/2021: Our new methods paper using soft matter multi-curvature patterns to modulate calcium and mitochondria dynamics in neuronal networks got published in Lab on a Chip. Congratulations to all co-authors! Go to the reference, here.
02/2021: Anja gave an IEEE Professor Spotlight talk in the NACOE.
12/2020: 3rd Brain Engineering Art Competition: We are hosting this year our 3rd Virtual Art Gallery showing artwork from our lab's research projects. Go to Kunze NeuroEng Lab on Instagram to vote for your favorite image!
10/2020: Anja gave an online talk about Brain-on-a-chip technology: Potentials and Challenges at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center during an invited seminar.
10/2020: Kunze Lab members, Mackenna and Zeynep, presented their research updates at the virtual BMES Meeting and at MicroTAS.
09/2020: Anja gave a virtual talk at the MSU Freshmen Research symposium about How Temperature Impacts Brain Circuits.
08/2020: New format of lab meetings ... we are outdoors ... hanging in!
10/2020: Anja gave an online talk about Brain-on-a-chip technology: Potentials and Challenges at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center during an invited seminar.
10/2020: Kunze Lab members, Mackenna and Zeynep, presented their research updates at the virtual BMES Meeting and at MicroTAS.
09/2020: Anja gave a virtual talk at the MSU Freshmen Research symposium about How Temperature Impacts Brain Circuits.
08/2020: New format of lab meetings ... we are outdoors ... hanging in!
07/2020: We are so excited to show case our new work from the Kunze Lab published in Sci Reports by Connor Beck and coworkers.
05/2020: Congratulations to the ECE Capstone team sponsored by the Kunze Lab for achieving 2nd place at the MSU $50K Venture Competition 2020. [MSU News link]
04/2020: Besides COVID-19 difficulties, I am happy to share the great news that Zeynep Malkoc received the 2020 Robert E. and Julia C. Noble Family Engineering Scholarship award. Congratulations Zeynep!
03/23/2020: We switched to online office hours, lab meetings, and teaching due to COVID-19. For more info contact the P.I.
02/13/2020: We announced the three winners of our 2nd "Engineering Brain Art” image competition.
05/2020: Congratulations to the ECE Capstone team sponsored by the Kunze Lab for achieving 2nd place at the MSU $50K Venture Competition 2020. [MSU News link]
04/2020: Besides COVID-19 difficulties, I am happy to share the great news that Zeynep Malkoc received the 2020 Robert E. and Julia C. Noble Family Engineering Scholarship award. Congratulations Zeynep!
03/23/2020: We switched to online office hours, lab meetings, and teaching due to COVID-19. For more info contact the P.I.
02/13/2020: We announced the three winners of our 2nd "Engineering Brain Art” image competition.
02/12/2020: Anja gave a talk at the MSU Leadership seminar.
02/01/2020: The Kunze Lab welcomes Travis Van Leeuwen for his Ph.D. rotation through the Collaborative Material Science program at MSU.
01/06/2020: We are welcoming five new members to the Kunze Lab: Jesse Rector, Abigail Girardot, Makenna Gales and Carly Teska are joining us for undergraduate research studies. Elizabeth Andreas is a graduate student joining us for her lab rotation through the NSF-funded MT PEAKs program.
02/01/2020: The Kunze Lab welcomes Travis Van Leeuwen for his Ph.D. rotation through the Collaborative Material Science program at MSU.
01/06/2020: We are welcoming five new members to the Kunze Lab: Jesse Rector, Abigail Girardot, Makenna Gales and Carly Teska are joining us for undergraduate research studies. Elizabeth Andreas is a graduate student joining us for her lab rotation through the NSF-funded MT PEAKs program.
12/16/2019: The Kunze Lab opened its 2nd "Engineering Brain Art” image competition. To see and vote for your favorite images, click here.
11/07/2019: Hammad from the Kunze Lab got featured in the MSU News.
10/16-19/2019: The Kunze Lab attended BMES 2019 in Philadelphia this year and presented their latest research during one talk and three poster presentations. [Link to the proceedings]
09/14/2019: Anja gave a talk to incoming Honor College students during their Freshman Research Symposium.
09/01/2019: Congratulation to Mackenna Landis and Connor Beck for receiving the Mildred Livingston Presidential Award, and the Meritorious Award, respectively.
08/01/2019: We are welcoming Mackenna Landis as a new PhD student in EE to our lab.
06/16-21/2019: Anja gave a poster presentation about the latest research in the Kunze Lab at the GRC Bioelectronics Conference.
06/01/2019: The Kunze Lab welcomes all summer REU and INBRE students, Jeneane, Caroline, Matthew, and Hammad!
05/03/2019: Congratulations to Derek Judge for winning the ECE 2019 Donald A. Pierre Graduate Student Paper Award for his conference paper: D. Judge and A. Kunze, “Neural network growth under heterogenous magnetic gradients", in Proc. 9th Int’l IEEE EMBS Conf. on Neural Engineering.
04/28/2019: Kunze Lab members presented their work at the annual Student Research Celebration at MSU.
11/07/2019: Hammad from the Kunze Lab got featured in the MSU News.
10/16-19/2019: The Kunze Lab attended BMES 2019 in Philadelphia this year and presented their latest research during one talk and three poster presentations. [Link to the proceedings]
09/14/2019: Anja gave a talk to incoming Honor College students during their Freshman Research Symposium.
09/01/2019: Congratulation to Mackenna Landis and Connor Beck for receiving the Mildred Livingston Presidential Award, and the Meritorious Award, respectively.
08/01/2019: We are welcoming Mackenna Landis as a new PhD student in EE to our lab.
06/16-21/2019: Anja gave a poster presentation about the latest research in the Kunze Lab at the GRC Bioelectronics Conference.
06/01/2019: The Kunze Lab welcomes all summer REU and INBRE students, Jeneane, Caroline, Matthew, and Hammad!
05/03/2019: Congratulations to Derek Judge for winning the ECE 2019 Donald A. Pierre Graduate Student Paper Award for his conference paper: D. Judge and A. Kunze, “Neural network growth under heterogenous magnetic gradients", in Proc. 9th Int’l IEEE EMBS Conf. on Neural Engineering.
04/28/2019: Kunze Lab members presented their work at the annual Student Research Celebration at MSU.
04/01/2019: In collaboration with the McCalla Lab at MSU, the Kunze Lab won the Thorson Excellence in Engineering Research (TEER) Grant to work on exosome profiling.
03/20-23/2019: The Kunze Lab presented latest research of Derek and Hammad at the IEEE EMBS NER conference in San Francisco. Hammad also won the USP travel award for going to NER.
03/15/2019: Anja obtained funding through an NSF CAREER award to work on magnetic-based force stimulation in large-scale neuronal networks. News coverage.
02/12-09/2019: The Kunze Lab participated in the NACOE ePALs Engineering Research Symposium and the Family Science Day.
02/02/2019: Anja gave a talk in the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department at MSU.
02/01/2019: The Kunze Lab is now affiliated with the MT Peaks program at MSU.
01/17/2019: We hosted an end of the year 2018 image competition in our lab. The winning pictures can be found on Instagram.
01/17/2019: Staring the new year with a lab get-together - Welcome back!
11/30/2018: Anja presented at the MSU Physics Colloquium.
11/15/2018: Anja Kunze gave a talk for the MSU IEEE Student Chapter for their IEEE Professor Spotlight serie. [talks]
11/15/2018: Anja Kunze is offering a new BioMEMS class in Spring 2019 at MSU. [more info, click here] [flyer]
10/25/2018: We are welcoming one new undergraduate researcher, Jordan Milks, to the Kunze Lab. [link]
10/17-20/2018: The Kunze Lab presented at the BMES Meeting in Atlanta. Anja also co-chaired the "Neuromodulation" session at BMES.
11/15/2018: Anja Kunze gave a talk for the MSU IEEE Student Chapter for their IEEE Professor Spotlight serie. [talks]
11/15/2018: Anja Kunze is offering a new BioMEMS class in Spring 2019 at MSU. [more info, click here] [flyer]
10/25/2018: We are welcoming one new undergraduate researcher, Jordan Milks, to the Kunze Lab. [link]
10/17-20/2018: The Kunze Lab presented at the BMES Meeting in Atlanta. Anja also co-chaired the "Neuromodulation" session at BMES.
10/15/2018: The Kunze Lab welcomes a new ECE undergraduate Andy Kirby. [link]
10/10/2018: A third congratulation goes to Kennan Hooker who received his first INBRE IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence Award for the AY 18/19.
10/09/2018: We also congratulate Kendra Hergett for receiving an USP travel grant to present her research at BMES and the INBRE IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence Award for the AY 18/19.
10/08/2018: Congratulation to Derek Judge for receiving the AIRO/EMPower, INBRE IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence Award for the AY 18/19.
10/06/2018: Anja Kunze will be talking at the "MSU Freshman Research Symposium 2018" about "Understanding Neuronal Cell Communication through Light"
09/01/2018: The Kunze Lab welcomes two new undergraduates Hammad and Xingxi from Electrical and Computer Engineering. [link]
08/08/2018: Congratulation to Jack for presenting his REU project at OpTeC 2018.
08/06/2018: We participated in the 2018 NNCI REU Convocation RTNN. Watch Kendra's excellent talk! [link]
07/31/2018: We celebrated another successful INBRE summer. Thanks to all INBRE and ECE REU students for all your achievements in the lab!
10/10/2018: A third congratulation goes to Kennan Hooker who received his first INBRE IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence Award for the AY 18/19.
10/09/2018: We also congratulate Kendra Hergett for receiving an USP travel grant to present her research at BMES and the INBRE IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence Award for the AY 18/19.
10/08/2018: Congratulation to Derek Judge for receiving the AIRO/EMPower, INBRE IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence Award for the AY 18/19.
10/06/2018: Anja Kunze will be talking at the "MSU Freshman Research Symposium 2018" about "Understanding Neuronal Cell Communication through Light"
09/01/2018: The Kunze Lab welcomes two new undergraduates Hammad and Xingxi from Electrical and Computer Engineering. [link]
08/08/2018: Congratulation to Jack for presenting his REU project at OpTeC 2018.
08/06/2018: We participated in the 2018 NNCI REU Convocation RTNN. Watch Kendra's excellent talk! [link]
07/31/2018: We celebrated another successful INBRE summer. Thanks to all INBRE and ECE REU students for all your achievements in the lab!
06/04/2018: The Kunze Lab welcomes Jack and Julia as new ECE REU students for this summer. [link]
05/31/2018: The Kunze Lab welcomes back Kendra, Derek and Connor as continuing and Chase as a new INBRE-USP Summer Undergraduate researcher(s).
05/25/2018: We hired a new undergraduate lab manager. Welcome Kennan! [link]
05/15/2018: We published our first review article from the Kunze Lab in Frontiers in Neuroscience. [click here to read more!]
05/03/2018: The Kunze Lab celebrated all students' achievements (fellowships, research presentations & abstract submission) of the AY 17/18 with a pizza party.
05/31/2018: The Kunze Lab welcomes back Kendra, Derek and Connor as continuing and Chase as a new INBRE-USP Summer Undergraduate researcher(s).
05/25/2018: We hired a new undergraduate lab manager. Welcome Kennan! [link]
05/15/2018: We published our first review article from the Kunze Lab in Frontiers in Neuroscience. [click here to read more!]
05/03/2018: The Kunze Lab celebrated all students' achievements (fellowships, research presentations & abstract submission) of the AY 17/18 with a pizza party.
04/13/2018: Anja hosted a topical session about "Biomedical Engineering Research at the Montana Bench and Beyond" during the MSU Student Research Celebration. [Flyer] We also presented four research projects. Great job: Siri, Kendra, Connor and Derek!
02/17/2018: Anja gave a research talk at the Innovation Road Show [MSU News].
01/29/2018: We are welcoming Nada Abdelfattah as our first intern to the Kunze Lab.
01/22/2018: The Kunze Lab congratulates Siri for receiving an USP Scholarship for this spring semester!
02/17/2018: Anja gave a research talk at the Innovation Road Show [MSU News].
01/29/2018: We are welcoming Nada Abdelfattah as our first intern to the Kunze Lab.
01/22/2018: The Kunze Lab congratulates Siri for receiving an USP Scholarship for this spring semester!
12/22/2017: Our research in the Kunze Lab got featured at MSU News [link at MSU] [link on twitter] [Bozeman Daily Chronicle].
11/01/2017: The Kunze Lab is now co-affiliated with the Materials Science Ph.D. Program at MSU.
10/13-14/2017: Anja co-chaired the "Micro/Nano Tools in Neurosciences" and the "Mechanobiology of the Vascular and Nervous System" session at BMES.
10/02/2017: Connor Beck and Hunter Peterson also received their first USP Travel Awards to attend BMES in Phoenix, Arizona this year.
9/25/2017: Congratulation Connor for presenting your first poster at the Montana Annual OpTeC Meeting 2017!
11/01/2017: The Kunze Lab is now co-affiliated with the Materials Science Ph.D. Program at MSU.
10/13-14/2017: Anja co-chaired the "Micro/Nano Tools in Neurosciences" and the "Mechanobiology of the Vascular and Nervous System" session at BMES.
10/02/2017: Connor Beck and Hunter Peterson also received their first USP Travel Awards to attend BMES in Phoenix, Arizona this year.
9/25/2017: Congratulation Connor for presenting your first poster at the Montana Annual OpTeC Meeting 2017!
9/24/2017: We are welcoming Siri Orser, a new undergraduate, to the Kunze Lab.
9/21/2017: Trevor Gahl passed his qualifying exam for the ECE PhD program. Congratulation Trevor!
9/12/2017: Congratulation to Kendra Hergett who received an USP Travel Grant to attend BMES in Phoenix, Arizona this year.
8/30/2017: The Kunze Lab welcomes Trevor Gahl as our first graduate student!
8/27/2017: We got two undergraduate research abstract accepted at BMES for presentation. Looking forward to seeing you there!
8/04/2017: We congratulate Sina Taneh for obtaining his Bachelor Degree in ECE and wish him all the best for his future endeavors. Also Clark's productive REU finished today. The Kunze Lab wishes him all the best for finishing his study.
8/03/2017: Kendra, Derek, Hunter and Connor successfully finished their INBRE-USP Summer Undergraduate Research Program.
6/05/2017: Anja presented a poster at the GRC on Neurotrophic Factors in Newport, RI.
6/02/2017: The Kunze Lab welcomes Clark Hickman from the REU ECE program.
5/15/2017: We welcome Sina Taneh, a new undergraduate in the Kunze Lab.
9/21/2017: Trevor Gahl passed his qualifying exam for the ECE PhD program. Congratulation Trevor!
9/12/2017: Congratulation to Kendra Hergett who received an USP Travel Grant to attend BMES in Phoenix, Arizona this year.
8/30/2017: The Kunze Lab welcomes Trevor Gahl as our first graduate student!
8/27/2017: We got two undergraduate research abstract accepted at BMES for presentation. Looking forward to seeing you there!
8/04/2017: We congratulate Sina Taneh for obtaining his Bachelor Degree in ECE and wish him all the best for his future endeavors. Also Clark's productive REU finished today. The Kunze Lab wishes him all the best for finishing his study.
8/03/2017: Kendra, Derek, Hunter and Connor successfully finished their INBRE-USP Summer Undergraduate Research Program.
6/05/2017: Anja presented a poster at the GRC on Neurotrophic Factors in Newport, RI.
6/02/2017: The Kunze Lab welcomes Clark Hickman from the REU ECE program.
5/15/2017: We welcome Sina Taneh, a new undergraduate in the Kunze Lab.
4/26/2017: Follow us on twitter @TheKunzeLab!
4/21/2017: Congratulation Derek for presenting your first poster at the MSU 2017 Student Research Celebration! We also celebrated the awarding of four stipends for Connor, Derek, Hunter and Kendra to participate in the 2017 INBRE Summer Undergraduate Research Program, here at MSU in the Kunze Lab.
4/20/2017: Check out our first lab dinner and group picture!
02/28/2017: We participated in the MSU Family Science Night called NanoDays and got featured in the news!
02/17/2017: We are welcoming Connor Beck as a new undergraduate researcher to the Kunze Lab!
02/01/2017: The Kunze lab welcomes Kendra Hergett, a new undergraduate researcher.
01/31/2017: Anja gave a talk at the Cross-College Mental Health Scholars Forum [link].
01/25/2017: We published a new paper about "Modulating vesicle dynamics in cortical neurons with nanomagnetic forces". Read more here!
01/23/2017: Congratulation to Derek for becoming a McNair Scholar and getting awarded an USP INBRE grant.
02/17/2017: We are welcoming Connor Beck as a new undergraduate researcher to the Kunze Lab!
02/01/2017: The Kunze lab welcomes Kendra Hergett, a new undergraduate researcher.
01/31/2017: Anja gave a talk at the Cross-College Mental Health Scholars Forum [link].
01/25/2017: We published a new paper about "Modulating vesicle dynamics in cortical neurons with nanomagnetic forces". Read more here!
01/23/2017: Congratulation to Derek for becoming a McNair Scholar and getting awarded an USP INBRE grant.
01/17/2017: Teaching syllabus for spring class ELEE 261 is now online [link].
12/15/2016: We congratulate Hunter for becoming a FYRE Scholar!
12/02/2016: Anja gave a Seminar Talk in the College of Engineering at Montana State University, Bozeman, MT. [link]
11/18/2016: We welcome our new undergraduate researchers Derek Judge and Hunter Peterson.
09/01/2016: We have moved to Montana State University in the College of Engineering and are looking for new graduate students to apply!
05/27/2016: We published a new paper about nano-particle uptake effects into CCL11/eotaxin treated cortical neurons. Read more here!
03/24/2016: Teaching syllabus for spring class Math 142 (LECT1 & 2) is now online [link].
02/27/2016: We will be attending the 60th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society (February 27 - March 2, in L.A.) [link]
01/26/2016: Anja presented an invited seminar to the Department of Bioengineering at the UW [link]
01/25/2016 Our paper "Induction of Calcium Influx in Cortical Neural Networks by Nanomagnetic Forces" got accepted in ACS Nano. [link]
- Thanks to all co-authors! -
01/21/2015: Anja presented an invited seminar to the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at MSU [link]
01/18/2016: Anja presented an invited seminar to the Department of Bioengineering at McGill [link]
01/13/2016: Anja presented an invited seminar to the Department of Biomedical Engineering at RPI
12/02/2016: Anja gave a Seminar Talk in the College of Engineering at Montana State University, Bozeman, MT. [link]
11/18/2016: We welcome our new undergraduate researchers Derek Judge and Hunter Peterson.
09/01/2016: We have moved to Montana State University in the College of Engineering and are looking for new graduate students to apply!
05/27/2016: We published a new paper about nano-particle uptake effects into CCL11/eotaxin treated cortical neurons. Read more here!
03/24/2016: Teaching syllabus for spring class Math 142 (LECT1 & 2) is now online [link].
02/27/2016: We will be attending the 60th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society (February 27 - March 2, in L.A.) [link]
01/26/2016: Anja presented an invited seminar to the Department of Bioengineering at the UW [link]
01/25/2016 Our paper "Induction of Calcium Influx in Cortical Neural Networks by Nanomagnetic Forces" got accepted in ACS Nano. [link]
- Thanks to all co-authors! -
01/21/2015: Anja presented an invited seminar to the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at MSU [link]
01/18/2016: Anja presented an invited seminar to the Department of Bioengineering at McGill [link]
01/13/2016: Anja presented an invited seminar to the Department of Biomedical Engineering at RPI
12/28/2015: Teaching syllabus for winter classes Math 142 and 3B now online [link].
09/12/2015: Teaching syllabus for fall classes Math 142 and 3A now online [link].
08/31/2015: Andy will be presenting his research at the Biology of Aging Conference (October 22 - 24, 2015 in Singapore)
06/11/2015: Anja presented a research talk at the 2nd Micro- and Nanofluidics Symposium at the Huntington Library in Pasadena.
[view some photos]
05/10/2015: The output report for the SNSF funded Advanced Postdoc.Mobility Fellowship is now available online. [link]
04/20/2015: Yufei Ren, a former collaborator at EPFL, published new insights about "Compartmentalized Microfluidics for in vitro Alzheimer’s Disease Studies" in an invited book chapter edited by Emilia Buffi. [link]
03/23/2015: Our paper "Engineering Cortical Neuron Polarity with Nanomagnets on a Chip" got accepted in ACS Nano. [link]
- Thanks to all co-authors! - - Highlighted in UCLA Bioengineering News -
02/25/2015: Anja presented an invited ECE Seminar at the University of Florida. [link]
02/24/2015: Anja presented an invited Biomedical Engineering Seminar at GeorgiaTech. [link]
09/12/2015: Teaching syllabus for fall classes Math 142 and 3A now online [link].
08/31/2015: Andy will be presenting his research at the Biology of Aging Conference (October 22 - 24, 2015 in Singapore)
06/11/2015: Anja presented a research talk at the 2nd Micro- and Nanofluidics Symposium at the Huntington Library in Pasadena.
[view some photos]
05/10/2015: The output report for the SNSF funded Advanced Postdoc.Mobility Fellowship is now available online. [link]
04/20/2015: Yufei Ren, a former collaborator at EPFL, published new insights about "Compartmentalized Microfluidics for in vitro Alzheimer’s Disease Studies" in an invited book chapter edited by Emilia Buffi. [link]
03/23/2015: Our paper "Engineering Cortical Neuron Polarity with Nanomagnets on a Chip" got accepted in ACS Nano. [link]
- Thanks to all co-authors! - - Highlighted in UCLA Bioengineering News -
02/25/2015: Anja presented an invited ECE Seminar at the University of Florida. [link]
02/24/2015: Anja presented an invited Biomedical Engineering Seminar at GeorgiaTech. [link]
(c) 2015 - 2025 Kunze Lab